Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Summer's update

Dallas made it past Spurs! whoo! nice for them to put Nowitzki to forward from power forward giving spurs a hard time guarding Dirk. Phoenix and Dallas up next! Hope Dallas would win.

I can't believe that my very first recital is already finished. It was Nerve wrecking, especially since my fingers slipped at the very beginning of my recital piece ("Chaconne" by A. Durand). There was this girl younger than me that played a beautiful piece entitled "The Wanderer" by Mendelssohn, and she really played it superbly. My piece was relatively easy--a fourth grader actually. I just felt bad that my brother and I weren't able to play a duet because I like to play accompaniment to his violin better than performing alone. Plus, accompanying gives you the right to your own rendition of a music piece. Well that's that anyway.

The Philippines has just been worldwidely acclaimed recently for givng the Da vinci code an R-18 for a rating.. It's a shame that Filipinos are hyping the novel/movie (not only the christians but also the non-christians). Shame, shame.

I Did a genearal cleaning of our room this morning and I realized how scattered my things are.

The HIPPIES won the Amazing Race (almost forgot about that)! Amazing Race 9 just boiled down to a brain game--remembering and arranging the flags of countries the racers visited in the race. I just love the hippies' defying the norms. They even pulled a trick on the "frat boys"--who were winning with their physically fit bodies but lost because they didn't know what the Thai flag looked like--in excahnge for the trick the frat boys pulled on them earlier in the race.

GO Hippies! You deserve the money.

Well, since the Da vinci is R-18 (and since i respect ratings) I and my family will be watching X-Men 3 tonight. can't wait to see psylocke and archange.

I just finished my CSI marathon up to season 5 so i guess i just have to stick to AXN's delayed season 6. Too bad America just finished season six last May 18.

I was able to watch the FIVB World Grand Prix yesterday, and italian vollyebelss are just the bomb! Though

they lost to Netherlands.

Now that's an update...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.