Friday, May 23, 2008

My Teaching Toolbox

Classes are about to start amd since I'll be living in a boarding house yet again (goodluck with that), i have to preapere all my stuff so that i won't have to go back and forth our house and UP.

Plus, now that I'm officialy an EDUC major, it's about time that i get to have one of these.


Well basically it's not the like the toolbox my dad has with all his philips, negatives, screws, knots and bolts. Intead of those what my mine has are adheseives, measuring tools, writing instruments and what have you--stuff that most teachers need (especially by preschool teachers like me).

However, my toolbox ain't complete yet. Marami pa ako gusto ilagay. For one, I would really like to have an Elmer's Adhesive spray. Instead of using masking tape to post my visual aids, i'd simply have to spray the adhesive spray and stick whatever i want to stick onit. Yun lang, di na sya maalis hehehe. Still cool though.

just can't wait to use my 'tools' this coming sem


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