Thursday, February 28, 2008

Weird hair cut

After our field work in bio 1 where we conducted several interviews in a school and under the Tuliahan bridge in Faiorview about the polluted tuilaan river, went straight to the gym then afterwards had my hair cut in Index Salon.

This is when i entered a wierd conversation.

Weird, the hairdresser after asking about my school, course, and what not siddenly talked about his valuesed teacher back in high school who was very good with all the awards and stuff but suddenly raped someone. Bothering and quite tragic, really. A liitle bit more and I would have freaked out. hehehehe. Weird.
Natakot tuloy ako, ganun ba talaga? Nakakabaliw ba o nakakawalang perspektibo ang pagtuturo?


Anyways, as i told that wierd hairdresser, I will be a teacher beacuse I really want to be a teacher. that's that.

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