Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tandem Storytelling

(Czar in black and Kristoff)

Performed tandem storytelling ealier in EDR 121

I and Czar interpreted the book Pikpakbum at Tiktaktok, ang magkapatid na laging nagaaway in front of our classmates, professor and two semi-pro storytellers, which was kinda nerve-wrecking and cool at the same time.

I guess we did pretty fine for two storyteller newbies

I kinda enjoyed it actually.

Wish I can attend a storytellers' workshop this coming summer because i'm simply falling in-love with tis particular art.
Orgmates are somewhat pushing me to run for Formation Director for Applicants (FDA).
A part of me wants to but a bigger chunk of me just won't:

1. I'm not sure if I'm up for more responsibilities
2. I'm in a pit and I can't get out of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

semi-pro pala ha...